Both Vaccinated and Microchipped
Neutered Male
Born April 2021
Estimated Breed: English spot mix
White and gray
Medium (7 pounds)
Spayed Female
Born April 2020
Estimated Breed: American
Medium (7 pounds)
Malachite and Crystal are a fun, outgoing pair! They love to explore but also spend a lot of time snuggling together and lounging in their bed. Crystal is very sweet and will hop up to our volunteers for pets, Malachite is sweet too, but a little more independent. They’re litterbox trained and were curious about the cats in their foster home. Despite how sweet they are Crystal is not a big fan of children.
Their recent foster home said: “they are curious about the dog and have gotten along well with him. Crystal is a little braver and has challenged a roomba that dared to get too close to their cage. They aren’t major chewers, they tried a few things but stopped once they were told no. They will let you know if you have forgotten their treats or if a meal is running late!”
These bunnies have been searching for their forever home for a long time. They have been in several different adoptive and foster homes and returned due to no fault of their own. They deserve a loving family to call their own!